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Baccano! Episode Guide

crazy fantasy caper involving alchemists, immortals, gangsters, outlaws and an elixir of immortality, spread over several decades.
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1. the Assistant Editor Refuses to Discuss the Possibility That He Is the Main Character
1. the Assistant Editor Refuses to Discuss the Possibility That He Is the Main Character
2. in Spite of the Old Woman's Anxieties the Trans-Continental Train Departs
2. in Spite of the Old Woman's Anxieties the Trans-Continental Train Departs
3. Randy and Pezzo Are Busy Getting Ready for the Party
3. Randy and Pezzo Are Busy Getting Ready for the Party
4. Ladd Russo Enjoys Talking a Lot and Killing a Lot
4. Ladd Russo Enjoys Talking a Lot and Killing a Lot
5. Jacuzzi Splot Cries, Cowers, and Shows His Mettle
5. Jacuzzi Splot Cries, Cowers, and Shows His Mettle
6. the Rail Tracer Maneuvers Through the Train Slaughtering Many
6. the Rail Tracer Maneuvers Through the Train Slaughtering Many
7. Everything Began on Board the Advena Avis
7. Everything Began on Board the Advena Avis
8. Isaac and Miria Spread Happiness Without Realizing It
8. Isaac and Miria Spread Happiness Without Realizing It
9. Clare Stanfield Faithfully Executes His Professional Duties
9. Clare Stanfield Faithfully Executes His Professional Duties
10. Czeslaw Meyer Reflects on His Scheme of Being Frightened by the Shadow of an Immortal
10. Czeslaw Meyer Reflects on His Scheme of Being Frightened by the Shadow of an Immortal
11. Chane Laforet Is Silent Before the Two Mysterious People
11. Chane Laforet Is Silent Before the Two Mysterious People
12. Firo and the Gandor Brothers Are Shot Down
12. Firo and the Gandor Brothers Are Shot Down
13. Both the Life of an Immortal and a Mortal Are Equally Glorified
13. Both the Life of an Immortal and a Mortal Are Equally Glorified
14. Graham Spector's Love and Peace
14. Graham Spector's Love and Peace
15. the Juvenile Delinquents Who Arrived at the Upscale Residential District Are Still the Same as A
15. the Juvenile Delinquents Who Arrived at the Upscale Residential District Are Still the Same as A
16. Carol Realised There Was No End to This Story
16. Carol Realised There Was No End to This Story
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