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Art of Manliness-Essential Jeremiads: 16 Cultural Critiques Every Man Should Read

Today we laid out an argument for why it's vital for every man to regularly engage with hard-hitting jeremiads — a form of rhetoric that laments society's shortcomings, predicts its downfall if those cultural blights are not addressed, and offers at least some hope that they can be and that society can emerge better and stronger than before. The jeremiad can challenge your assumptions, shake you out of apathy, spur reflection, and inspire changes in your beliefs and habits.
If that post left you looking for some incisive and thought-provoking jeremiads to grapple with.
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The Closing of the American Mind (Allan Bloom)
The Closing of the American Mind (Allan Bloom)
Life Without Principle (Henry David Thoreau)
Life Without Principle (Henry David Thoreau)
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
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Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 (Charles Murray)
No Logo (Naomi Klein)
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Spectatoritis (Jay B. Nash)
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