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Annie's 300 Non-Fiction Books Read by 300 Authors - Page 8

To complement my recently published list of 400 books of fiction, here is a list of 300 books of Non-Fiction which I have read, each title by a different author.
I have endeavoured to produce a list containing a selection of different themes or subjects to provide variety, not easy when you have multiple books by some authors and just a single volume by others.
Some of these were published decades ago, whilst others are recent publications and all of these have been read in the last few years.
Expect to see another instalment of Non-Fiction books shortly (400 books, 400 authors), as I have plenty of books to choose from.
Happy reading
141 users · 2,520 views
made by Bookworm-annie
avg. score: 13 of 300 (4%)
required scores: 1, 3, 7, 11, 16 

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Page 8 of 8
A Short History of Slavery (James Walvin)
A Short History of Slavery (James Walvin)
Is Religion Dangerous? (Keith Ward)
Is Religion Dangerous? (Keith Ward)
Left for Dead (Beck Weathers)
Left for Dead (Beck Weathers)
Educated (Tara Westover)
Educated (Tara Westover)
The Natural History of Selborne (Gilbert White)
The Natural History of Selborne (Gilbert White)
Plants: From Roots to Riches (Kathy Willis & Carolyn Fry)
Plants: From Roots to Riches (Kathy Willis & Carolyn Fry)
Plagues (Christopher Wills)
Plagues (Christopher Wills)
Fishing Famous Rivers: The Severn (Jack Williams)
Fishing Famous Rivers: The Severn (Jack Williams)
Deluded by Dawkins? (Andrew Wilson)
Deluded by Dawkins? (Andrew Wilson)
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books (Edward Wilson-Lee)
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books (Edward Wilson-Lee)
The Lion Photo-Guide to the Bible (Donald Wiseman & Michael Green)
The Lion Photo-Guide to the Bible (Donald Wiseman & Michael Green)
A Short Residence in Sweden and Memoirs of the Author of 'The Rights of Woman' (Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin)
A Short Residence in Sweden and Memoirs of the Author of 'The Rights of Woman' (Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin)
A Brief History of Mutiny (Richard Woodman)
A Brief History of Mutiny (Richard Woodman)
The Life and Times of Alfred the Great (Douglas Woodruff)
The Life and Times of Alfred the Great (Douglas Woodruff)
A Room of One's Own (Virginia Woolf)
A Room of One's Own (Virginia Woolf)
Call the Midwife (Jennifer Worth)
Call the Midwife (Jennifer Worth)
Luke for Everyone (Tom Wright)
Luke for Everyone (Tom Wright)
British Politics: A Very Short Introduction (Tony Wright)
British Politics: A Very Short Introduction (Tony Wright)
A Passion for Angling (Chris Yates, Bob James, Hugh Miles)
A Passion for Angling (Chris Yates, Bob James, Hugh Miles)
The Black Death (Philip Ziegler)
The Black Death (Philip Ziegler)
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