All Hugh Jackman Movies Ranked by Tomatometer
"Like Robert Downey Jr. and Tony Stark, or Patrick Stewart and fellow X-Men favorite Professor Xavier, it's near impossible to separate Hugh Jackman from Wolverine, the comic book character he helped immortalize on the big screen, so let's just get that right out of the way. Jackman will forever be associated with the self-healing mutant with the adamantium claws, and now that he's officially done playing the character, good luck to whoever attempts to fill his shoes next. Jackman has also proven to be a multi-faceted leading man, starring in romantic comedies, sweeping adventures, family films, musicals, mysteries, and just about everything in between. It's no wonder some of the biggest directors working today have sought his talents for their films. To celebrate his eclectic career, we've pulled together all Hugh Jackman movies and ranked them by Tomatometer, so have a look and see where your favorites land." -
avg. score: 11 of 33 (35%)
required scores: 1, 6, 10, 13, 17