"The films of Studio Ghibli are beloved by countless fans around the world. Led by Hayao Miyazaki and the late Isao Takahata, Ghibli has single-handedly changed the course of Japanese animation and introduced it to a much wider audience. Praised by critics for their stunning animation quality, strong characters, and strikingly imaginative storytelling, the films of Studio Ghibli are sometimes thought of as the Disney of Japan. But in some ways, Ghibli exceeds its Western counterpart in quality and consistency. Still, within Ghibli's filmography, some films shine brighter than others in terms of quality, and some are hidden gems that are sadly underwatched and undervalued.
This list will attempt to rank the Studio Ghibli films by their artistry, depth, storytelling, and overall quality. Some level of subjectivity is inevitable – a fan might single out a film relatively low on this list as their personal favorite, and that is a completely valid viewpoint."