A Well-Rounded Animation Education
Animation is a medium, not a genre, and certainly not just for kids! Here are 100 incredible features that show the breadth and depth of the craft. Here you'll find westerns, noir, historical biopics, fantasy, satire and political commentary, musicals, sci-fi, mythology, horror, and more! There are hand-drawn, stop-motion, claymation, cut-out, cel-painted, computer-rendered, rotoscoped, and even motion-captured examples. Many of these films are landmarks in the history of animation, some are quirky cult classics, and most are just great storytelling. I've deliberately limited the amount of Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks/Anime films to try to highlight the variety of films produced around the world and by smaller independent studios. Share with your friends and show them how awesome cartoons can be!
avg. score: 35 of 100 (35%)
required scores: 1, 23, 29, 37, 47