Some years back I decided to cancel my Netflix DVD service and go with streaming only. In Los Angeles, turnover for DVDs was quick. Where I live now, not so much. It wasn't worth it anymore so I took a bunch of screenshots of my entire queue and saved them for a later date when I could resume the service and pick up where I left off. Obviously, that later date will never come since they've discontinued their DVD service.
This list is all of the films from those 42 screenshots of my queue, minus everything that I have watched since then. It's kind of an all over the place list... some classics, some indies, some documentaries, many foreign films, etc. (If you know me, the list makes perfect sense, as my interests are varied, to say the least.) Many of these films were on the list because they were hard to find, and still are. A number of them are part of the Criterion Collection now. And, I'd still watch all of them if I could.