A Massively Long List of Horror Movies Ann Hasn't Seen
- Page 46
Ages ago, a year or so ago, someone asked me irately, "What horror movies haven't you seen?"
See, everything this person suggested, I had seen. Granted most of them were from the 60s and 70s and were popular. So of course I had seen them.
Well, I took it as a challenge. Surely there can't be that many I haven't seen, I've seen thousands. It turns out there are thousands more I haven't seen.
So, this list is over a year in the making. It took up a lot of spare time. And I give up.
This list is far from complete, and I'm sure it includes some movies I have seen, but that were utterly forgettable. There are also movies I left off as you couldn't pay me enough to watch them. Like the vomit gore genre. Thanks, but I will pass.
So, have fun, those of you brave enough to wade though this!
avg. score: 117 of 7510 (2%)
required scores: 1, 4, 19, 82, 197