Piece by Piece, the animated life journey of Pharrell Williams as told through LEGO. Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party, the long-lost documentary piece directed by Cameron Crowe capturing the rocker in the early 1980s, had a two-day engagement in theaters.
In launching Verified Hot, we focused on creating an iconically helpful award equal to Certified Fresh. Just as the Certified Fresh stamp of approval comes after a movie scores high enough with critics on the Tomatometer, the Verified Hot badge is the audience equivalent, given out when paying patrons really turn up the heat on the Popcornmeter. To get there, a movie needs to reach a Popcornmeter score of at least 90% from people who bought a ticket from Fandango and left theaters entertained and elevated.
And now we're here celebrating every movie that recently got that Verified Hot crisp. We'll be organizing them by largest number of votes first, then alphabetically within.