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50 Greatest British Directors Who Ever Lived - Page 2

From the article itself: "In celebration of dragon slaying, British patron saint, and all around great guy, Saint George, we figured that the best way to mark the occasion of his death than by celebrating immortality through film and listing not 2, not 6 but 50 of the greatest British directors who ever lived. For extra punch, the day is also known as Shakespeare Day, marking the date that the world lost the Bard’s artistic genius, and there’s a certain pride you can’t blame the Brits for when it comes to this day. So what better way to mark the occasion than to herald those British film-makers who have made a difference to cinema’s history, past or present?"
128 users · 1,262 views
from · made by Rebecca Woolf
avg. score: 21 of 50 (43%)
required scores: 1, 9, 15, 24, 35 

How many British Directors do you know?

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Zoltan Korda
Zoltan Korda
Andrea Arnold
Andrea Arnold
Jim Sheridan
Jim Sheridan
Paul Greengrass
Paul Greengrass
The Boulting Brothers (John and Roy)
The Boulting Brothers (John and Roy)
Basil Dean
Basil Dean
Kenneth (Ken) Loach
Kenneth (Ken) Loach
Jack Clayton
Jack Clayton
Leslie Arliss
Leslie Arliss
Edgar Wright
Edgar Wright
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