50 Foods to Have on Hand If You're Quarantined
In light of current circumstances, in case you have to be at home for a couple of weeks because you're forced to or choose to, this is a list of things to have in the fridge or cupboards. It isn't like having to be in a fallout shelter, and we live in an age where food can be delivered to your door (if the stores aren't sold out), but having a supply of food that you can progress from fresh to frozen to canned to dried certainly can't hurt. These foods were chosen because of a combination of considerations, among them nutrition, versatility, storage methods (i.e. if they can be stored outside of valuable fridge and freezer space), flavor, and satisfaction. For example, spices and condiments can go a long way to make otherwise dull staple foods enjoyable, and highly flavorful things like a pickle or an olive or two can be very hunger satisfying. And since bread is a scarcity at times like these, why not bake your own? You may be surprised at how many you already have!
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