50 Best Surreal Films That Feels Like a Fever Dream
Surrealism is a genre that, whilst not containing a persistent aesthetic, attempts to capture dreamlike states, hypnagogia, and sub-conscious thoughts on film. Surrealism in film often - but not always - lacks style, form, narrative structure, character development, and even plots entirely.
Within cinema, surrealism first became apparent with the Surrealist Movement and Dada movement of the early 1920s. Imagery was often shocking, at least for its time period, and was heavy in its use of juxtaposition and sub-conscious structure. Some of the earliest and most notable examples of surrealist cinema is Un chien andalou. Later surrealist films that lacked a political and/or social commentary were often rejected when compared to the films of the initial surrealist movement, even including films of notable director David Lynch.
avg. score: 10 of 50 (21%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 9, 18