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"333": A Bibliography of the Science-Fantasy Novel (<1951) - Page 9

"'333' is concerned with those novels which are generally considered the best efforts in 'Science-Fantasy" (Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantastic Adventure, including Lost Race Novels) up to and including 1950." Being novels from before 1951 it excludes Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings"
Crawford, J.H. Jr., Donahue, J.J. and Grant, D.M. 1953. "333, A Bibliography of the Science-Fantasy Novel." Providence, RI: The Grandon Company.
226 users · 6,430 views
avg. score: 18 of 334 (5%)
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Page 9 of 9
Wisdom&#39;s Daughter (H. Rider Haggard)
Wisdom's Daughter (H. Rider Haggard)
Witch House (Evangeline Walton)
Witch House (Evangeline Walton)
The Witch in the Wood (T.H. White)
The Witch in the Wood (T.H. White)
Witch Wood (John Buchan)
Witch Wood (John Buchan)
The Wizard of Zacna (T.A. Willard)
The Wizard of Zacna (T.A. Willard)
The Wolf in the Garden (Alfred H. Bill)
The Wolf in the Garden (Alfred H. Bill)
The Wolf Leader (Alexandre Dumas)
The Wolf Leader (Alexandre Dumas)
The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician (Edwin Lester Arnold)
The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician (Edwin Lester Arnold)
The World Below (S. Fowler Wright)
The World Below (S. Fowler Wright)
The World of [Null] a (A.E. Van Vogt)
The World of [Null] a (A.E. Van Vogt)
The Worm Ouroboros
The Worm Ouroboros
The Yellow Mistletoe (Walter S. Masterman)
The Yellow Mistletoe (Walter S. Masterman)
Z R Wins (Fitzhugh Green)
Z R Wins (Fitzhugh Green)
Zanoni (Edward C. Bulwer-Lytton)
Zanoni (Edward C. Bulwer-Lytton)
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