300 Anime Challenge!
The title is self-explanatory. This was supposed to be in alphabetical order, but I gave up. This has no specific theme or genre, the animes are all over the place. There's fantasy, action, drama, romance, horror, slice of life, historical, ecchi, you name it. I'm generally not including 2nd seasons/3rd seasons/etc, OVAs, special episodes, and spinoff movies. There are some exceptions, though. I can't guarantee that all the anime titles will be English. Actually, the majority of them are using their Japanese titles (with English letters). Don't be bummed if you haven't watched all of them, because it's highly unlikely you have. If you don't see one of your favorite animes, please don't be disappointed. I couldn't include every single anime that exists. I hope you enjoy taking this!
3,417 users
avg. score: 59 of 300 (20%)
required scores: 1, 18, 41, 63, 94