By Neha Patel
Unfortunately, not all of us are Wonder Woman (or Gal Gadot for the matter), so most women, despite comprising 50% of the world's population, are cursed with having their stories routinely ignored.
Recently, the debate about American Dirt has inspired readers to look up books by #OwnVoices authors. I thought I'd take it a step further and suggest some the most popular books written by women from around the world.
While these books are not the "top" books, which is subjective anyway, they are "popular" books as measured via Goodreads. Most books (with a few exceptions) have a minimum of 3.5 stars from 9,000 ratings or more (as of February 9, 2020).
I chose four female authors hailing from different countries within six of the seven continents (apologies to Antarctica). This is by no means a comprehensive list, but hopefully it will be a good starting point for anyone wishing to read a book by a female #OwnVoices author.