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23 Band Names Inspired by Literature - Page 2

At Paste, we look for "Signs of Life" in all forms of art. And while we value each artform for its unique merits, it's always a treat when they overlap. So we decided to take a look at bands that derived their names from literature. The works that inspired several of the entries are probably obvious, but a few of them will most certainly surprise you. It may also surprise you to see which genres favor the written word. (Who knew metalheads were such scholars?)
Love making connections between bands and other things like literature in this case. We sometimes take names for granted but amazing sources sometimes.
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Art of Noise
Art of Noise
Art of Noises (Luigi Russolo)
Art of Noises (Luigi Russolo)
Holy Bible (King James Version)
Holy Bible (King James Version)
Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien)
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