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20 Greatest Books in Mormon History

Not sure if these are the actual 20 Greatest. But these are 20 great books about Mormonism. A great beginning to any library.
121 users · 580 views
made by Steve Center
avg. score: 3 of 20 (14%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith (Linda King Newell)
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith (Linda King Newell)
Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R McConkie
Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R McConkie
Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage
Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder (Legrand Richards)
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder (Legrand Richards)
Articles of Faith (James E Talmage)
Articles of Faith (James E Talmage)
Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (LDS Church)
Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (LDS Church)
The Work and the Glory by Gerald N. Lund
The Work and the Glory by Gerald N. Lund
David O McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormomism (Gregory Prince)
David O McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormomism (Gregory Prince)
Approaching Zion (Hugh Nibley)
Approaching Zion (Hugh Nibley)
No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith (Fawn M Brodie)
No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith (Fawn M Brodie)
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (Richard Bushman)
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (Richard Bushman)
Holy Bible
Holy Bible
Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
Our Search for Happiness (Russell M Ballard)
Our Search for Happiness (Russell M Ballard)
Discourses of Brigham Young: Second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Brigham Young)
Discourses of Brigham Young: Second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Brigham Young)
Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson
Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson
Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites (Chris Heimerdinger)
Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites (Chris Heimerdinger)
Massacre at Mountain Meadows (Leonard, Turley, Walker)
Massacre at Mountain Meadows (Leonard, Turley, Walker)
Standing for Something by Gordon B. Hinckley
Standing for Something by Gordon B. Hinckley
Doctrine and Covenants
Doctrine and Covenants
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