20 Disaster Movies That Will Blow You Away
"Disaster movies -- those often star-studded, effects-laden blockbusters about people dealing with or attempting to thwart catastrophic incidents -- rose to prominence in the 1970s, thanks to the massive success of Airport, The Poseidon Adventure, and The Towering Inferno. Possibly due to oversaturation or being spoofed by Airplane!, the genre went into a decade-long dormancy, like a volcano, only to erupt in the mid-'90s with smaller-scale disaster epics and doomsday thrillers about the tornadoes, asteroids, icebergs, and yes, volcanoes that threaten us, and have been an intermittent staple of the Hollywood release calendar ever since, with more on the way. The 20 movies below, a mix of ludicrous adrenaline rushes, dramatic tear-jerkers, and angst-inducing sci-fi, represent the best of the genre from the past 25 years."
avg. score: 9 of 20 (46%)
required scores: 1, 5, 7, 10, 15