15 LGBTQ Haunted Horror Novels
"I'm defining LGBTQ haunted horror here a bit beyond the confines of pure ghost stories. We can be haunted by so many things, after all, not all of them as ephemeral as ghostly apparitions. And with LGBTQ horror in particular, characters are often haunted by their pasts, by prejudice, and by the world around them. Ghosts, by comparisons, might seem tame. So in these books, some of the hauntings are literal, some less so. Some of these stories are haunted by ghosts and spirits while others are plagued by vampires, monsters, plagues, neo-Christian cults, and zombie-like creatures. But whatever the haunting, rest assured they are very, entirely queer."
avg. score: 1 of 15 (5%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5