128 Great And/Or Forgotten Films From the 2010s
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From arthouse fare, festival favorites, et al, to blockbusters here is a list of films of 128 films from the 2010s. The image below is from an arthouse cinema in Paris, France. The list below also consists of films I saw in places as small as Eden, North Carolina, to New York City, and everywhere in between, including Blacksburg, Virginia (at the Lyric Theatre), Athens, Georgia, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and the nation's capital Washington, DC. Regardless if you live in Bakirkoy, Istanbul, Turkey, or in plush suburb of Van Nuys out in Los Angeles, California, we hope you enjoy this list!!!! And, please help us go viral. It's always surreal when that happens but I'm never one to complain 'bout too much anonymous attention.
avg. score: 40 of 128 (31%)
required scores: 1, 19, 31, 43, 61