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10 Film Masterpieces That Need to Be Rediscovered

"There are a combination of reasons why some masterpieces fly under the radar, are overlooked, or pass quickly from people's memory. One factor that rings true for many of the following films is that they come from countries enfolded in political turmoil, limiting their distribution. Several of them are Eastern European and others have directors who hail from colonized countries.
Another reason these films have not received the recognition they deserve is that they break from the trends of the period in which they were made, preferring instead to stay true to the artistic vision and convictions that concern their directors. Innovation sometimes needs time to be appreciated. Lyrical storytelling, scathing satire, and mesmerizing performances are just a few of the descriptions that characterize these forgotten masterpieces."
79 users · 335 views
from · made by AnnaBoots
avg. score: 1 of 10 (11%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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All My Good Countrymen (1969)
All My Good Countrymen (1969)
Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed (1968)
Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed (1968)
Black Girl (1966)
Black Girl (1966)
David Holzman's Diary (1967)
David Holzman's Diary (1967)
Innocence Unprotected (1968)
Innocence Unprotected (1968)
Mysterious Object at Noon (2000)
Mysterious Object at Noon (2000)
The Bridge (1959)
The Bridge (1959)
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (1962)
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (1962)
The Official Story (1985)
The Official Story (1985)
The Vanishing (1988)
The Vanishing (1988)
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