11 Books on Writing for Your Post-Nanowrimo Slump
If, at this moment, you're ready to light fire to that steaming pile of mess that you called your NaNoWriMo project, don't. Because you're not done yet. National Novel Writing Month, which non-nerds call November, is about one thing: removing obstacles to the seemingly simple but, in reality, quite daunting task of putting the words on the page, with the motivation of a ticking clock and the sympathy and inspiration of 300,000 other committed writers at your back.
But the rest of the year is about the real heavy lifting: revision.
NaNoWriMo is done for the year, but your work is just beginning. If you're not sure how to proceed now that the word count tickers have stopped and the steam has evaporated, know that you're not alone. These books on writing—covering inspiration, memoir, and nuts-and-bolts advice—will keep you going through the other 11 months of the year.
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