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100 Scariest Movie Performances

A list of one hundred of the scariest acting performances ever put to film. This list only includes movies, no TV shows (even though Frank Silva's role as BOB originated on TV). There may be a part two in the future.
152 users · 1,710 views
made by The Movie Man
avg. score: 32 of 100 (32%)
required scores: 1, 13, 23, 33, 51 

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Alan Arkin as Harry Roat, Jr. (Wait Until Dark, 1967)
Alan Arkin as Harry Roat, Jr. (Wait Until Dark, 1967)
Alex Frost and Eric Duelen as Alex and Eric (Elephant, 2003)
Alex Frost and Eric Duelen as Alex and Eric (Elephant, 2003)
Allison Williams as Rose Armitage (Get Out, 2017)
Allison Williams as Rose Armitage (Get Out, 2017)
Andrew Hubatsek as Zelda (Pet Sematary, 1989)
Andrew Hubatsek as Zelda (Pet Sematary, 1989)
Anjelica Huston as the Grand High Witch (The Witches, 1990)
Anjelica Huston as the Grand High Witch (The Witches, 1990)
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs, 1991)
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs, 1991)
Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates (Psycho, 1960)
Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates (Psycho, 1960)
Ben Mendelsohn as Andrew "Pope" Cody (Animal Kingdom, 2010)
Ben Mendelsohn as Andrew "Pope" Cody (Animal Kingdom, 2010)
Betsy Palmer as Pamela Voorhees (Friday the 13th, 1980)
Betsy Palmer as Pamela Voorhees (Friday the 13th, 1980)
Bette Davis as "Baby" Jane Hudson (What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, 1962)
Bette Davis as "Baby" Jane Hudson (What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, 1962)
Bill McKinney and Herbert "Chicken" Coward as Mountain Men (Deliverance, 1972)
Bill McKinney and Herbert "Chicken" Coward as Mountain Men (Deliverance, 1972)
Bill Paxton as Dad Meiks (Frailty, 2001)
Bill Paxton as Dad Meiks (Frailty, 2001)
Billie Whitelaw as Mrs. Baylock (The Omen, 1976)
Billie Whitelaw as Mrs. Baylock (The Omen, 1976)
Boris Karloff as Hjalmar Poelzig (The Black Cat, 1934)
Boris Karloff as Hjalmar Poelzig (The Black Cat, 1934)
Brad Dourif as the Gemini Killer (The Exorcist III, 1990)
Brad Dourif as the Gemini Killer (The Exorcist III, 1990)
Brad Pitt as Early Grayce (Kalifornia, 1993)
Brad Pitt as Early Grayce (Kalifornia, 1993)
Carl Boehm as Mark Lewis (Peeping Tom, 1960)
Carl Boehm as Mark Lewis (Peeping Tom, 1960)
Christoph Waltz as Col. Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds, 2009)
Christoph Waltz as Col. Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds, 2009)
Christopher Lloyd as Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988)
Christopher Lloyd as Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988)
Daniel Day-Lewis as Daniel Plainview (There Will Be Blood, 2007)
Daniel Day-Lewis as Daniel Plainview (There Will Be Blood, 2007)
David Hess as Krug Stillo (The Last House on the Left, 1972)
David Hess as Krug Stillo (The Last House on the Left, 1972)
Dennis Hopper as Frank Booth (Blue Velvet, 1986)
Dennis Hopper as Frank Booth (Blue Velvet, 1986)
Desiree Gould as Aunt Martha (Sleepaway Camp, 1983)
Desiree Gould as Aunt Martha (Sleepaway Camp, 1983)
Douglas Rain as HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968)
Douglas Rain as HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968)
Eihi Shiina as Asami Yamazaki (Audition, 1999)
Eihi Shiina as Asami Yamazaki (Audition, 1999)
Eleanor Audley as Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty, 1959)
Eleanor Audley as Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty, 1959)
Ellen Page as Hayley Stark (Hard Candy, 2005)
Ellen Page as Hayley Stark (Hard Candy, 2005)
Eric Roberts as Paul Snider (Star 80, 1983)
Eric Roberts as Paul Snider (Star 80, 1983)
Essie Davis as Amelia Vanek (The Babadook, 2014)
Essie Davis as Amelia Vanek (The Babadook, 2014)
Frank Silva as BOB (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, 1992)
Frank Silva as BOB (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, 1992)
Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious (Sid and Nancy, 1986)
Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious (Sid and Nancy, 1986)
Gene Tierney as Ellen Berent Harland (Leave Her to Heaven, 1945)
Gene Tierney as Ellen Berent Harland (Leave Her to Heaven, 1945)
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 1971)
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 1971)
Glenn Close as Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction, 1987)
Glenn Close as Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction, 1987)
Gunnar Hansen as Leatherface (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, 1974)
Gunnar Hansen as Leatherface (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, 1974)
Heath Ledger as the Joker (The Dark Knight, 2008)
Heath Ledger as the Joker (The Dark Knight, 2008)
Henry Fonda as Frank (Once Upon a Time in the West, 1968)
Henry Fonda as Frank (Once Upon a Time in the West, 1968)
Humphrey Bogart as Dixon Steele (In a Lonely Place, 1950)
Humphrey Bogart as Dixon Steele (In a Lonely Place, 1950)
J.K. Simmons as Terence Fletcher (Whiplash, 2014)
J.K. Simmons as Terence Fletcher (Whiplash, 2014)
Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance (The Shining, 1980)
Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance (The Shining, 1980)
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