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100 Books for Sceptics - Page 3

A list of books - mostly non fiction - for those who have little time for pseudo science, creationists, chiropractors, reiki therapists, acupuncturists, macrobiotic vegans, biodynamic organic farmers, climate change denialists, anti-vaccine campaigners, humanities graduates who dismiss science as 'just another discourse'... whether you think of yourself as a New Athiest or a rationalist, find yourself mystified by those who think the use of rubber prophylactics a mortal sin, or are just a hoary old curmudgen who likes to shout 'bah-humbug' at those who get overly excited by almond milk gogi berries, or froth at the mouth when presented with adverts for probiotic yoghurts or rejuvenating youth serums that claim the improbable claims for their products have been 'scientifically proven'... you get the feeling that I'm exorcising a few demons here?...
...Anyway, if these things annoy you as much as they evidently annoy me, then then this could be the list for you. Enjoy!
134 users · 1,694 views
made by Geoff Browne
avg. score: 3 of 100 (3%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Page 3 of 3
Not Only Roars and Rituals: Communication in Animals by Rogers and Kap
Not Only Roars and Rituals: Communication in Animals by Rogers and Kap
The Hungry Gene by Ellen Ruppel Shell
The Hungry Gene by Ellen Ruppel Shell
Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell
Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell
Histroy of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Histroy of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Suckers by Rose Shapiro
Suckers by Rose Shapiro
Why People Believe Wierd Things by Michael Shermer
Why People Believe Wierd Things by Michael Shermer
Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
Trick or Treatment by Singh and Ernst
Trick or Treatment by Singh and Ernst
Beyond Freedom and Dignity by BF Skinner
Beyond Freedom and Dignity by BF Skinner
Does God Play Dice by Ian Stewart
Does God Play Dice by Ian Stewart
On Rumours by Cass R Sunstein
On Rumours by Cass R Sunstein
Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland
Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me) by Tavris and Aronson
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me) by Tavris and Aronson
Deceit and Self-Deception by Robert Trivers
Deceit and Self-Deception by Robert Trivers
The Spirit Level by Wilkinson and Pickett
The Spirit Level by Wilkinson and Pickett
On Human Nature by Edward O Wilson
On Human Nature by Edward O Wilson
Paranormality by Richard Wiseman
Paranormality by Richard Wiseman
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Lewis Wolpert
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Lewis Wolpert
Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham
Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham
The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo
The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo
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