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10 Underrated 1980s Action Movies You Probably Haven't Seen

"The decade that brought us the first installments of franchises "Die Hard", "Lethal Weapon", "Police Story", "First Blood/Rambo", and "Beverly Hills Cop". That alone shows what a decade it was for the genre. Paul Verhoeven gave us "RoboCop", John Carpenter has blessed us with "Escape from New York" and "Big Trouble in Little China" and we got lots of other actions, sometimes with depth (Runaway Train), sometimes without depth (Road House). We won't even get the best action film of 2022 without "Top Gun" obviously.
All in all, it was a decade that had so much to offer. Not surprisingly, some of the films ended up getting less recognition or popularity. Here are ten of the fine action films of 1980s that might please the fans of the genre, especially of those made in that decade."
100 users · 404 views
from · made by AnnaBoots
avg. score: 2 of 10 (19%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Best Seller (1987)
Best Seller (1987)
Extreme Prejudice (1987)
Extreme Prejudice (1987)
Shakedown (1988)
Shakedown (1988)
Knightriders (1981)
Knightriders (1981)
Blue Thunder (1983)
Blue Thunder (1983)
In the Line of Duty 4 (1989)
In the Line of Duty 4 (1989)
Stakeout (1987)
Stakeout (1987)
The Dogs of War (1980)
The Dogs of War (1980)
The Beast of War (1988)
The Beast of War (1988)
The Stunt Man (1980)
The Stunt Man (1980)
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