The 2000s created a new freedom for artists as the cost of filmmaking lowered considerably thanks to the lowering costs of digital effects and shooting on digital film. Meanwhile, the film market–having gotten used to the flood of low-budget but high-quality indie fare that became popular in the 90s–was still hungry for original content.
As a result, the 2000s continued with the experimental spirit that the 90s encouraged, this time bolstered by a generation of filmmakers who could affordably represent their visions on a budget.
The result was a decade filled with inventive films that gained both popularity and a widespread appreciation. But even then, there are so many films produced and time moves forward; after a while, films are forgotten or overlooked, even by the most sharp-eyed cinephile. To remedy that, here are ten totally awesome movies from the 2000s you might have missed the first time around