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10 Slow-Burn Horror Movies You May Have Never Seen

"Slow-burn horror is categorised by a gradual feeling of escalation. These films reveal their most horrific content and impressions slowly, and offer a maintained sense of dread without having to frequently offer genre conventions to make the audience fearful.
Instead, they unravel at a chilling pace, just in time to satisfy audiences with something that they had a feeling would come all along, and that is because these films offer an atmosphere, still present even during moments which feel domestic. Not all of these are great films – some undoubtedly are – but nevertheless, they are worth seeking out for genre fans who like their horror to build slowly. Hopefully there are some readers who find something new to watch this Halloween."
159 users · 710 views
from · made by AnnaBoots
avg. score: 2 of 10 (23%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Cherry Tree Lane (2010)
Cherry Tree Lane (2010)
Black Water (2007)
Black Water (2007)
In Fear (2013)
In Fear (2013)
Willow Creek (2013)
Willow Creek (2013)
Trouble Every Day (2001)
Trouble Every Day (2001)
The Innkeepers (2011)
The Innkeepers (2011)
Evolution (2015)
Evolution (2015)
Kill List (2011)
Kill List (2011)
Diabolique (1955)
Diabolique (1955)
Audition (1999)
Audition (1999)
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