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10 of the Most Impressive Mosaics Around the World

With a 4,000-year-old practice, there's no shortage to choose from.-Carlo Alcos, Nov 9, 2010
*The mosaics in Ravenna
The oldest cartographic depiction of the Holy Land is in mosaic form and housed in the Church of St. George. The Madaba Map dates to the 6th century and was originally over 16m long and 6m wide.
Glass mosaic mural is one of the largest of its kind in the world, hangs on the Villa Harvey Mandel building, an affordable housing complex.
*Parc Güell
*Villa Romana del Casale
The NYC subway system is home to some pretty impressive works of mosaic art. The use of mosaics at subway stations was started by artist and architect Squire Vickers at the beginning of the 1900s.
*Jāmeh Mosque of Yazd
*La Maison Picassiette
*"The Great Pavement" in Westminster Abbey
French street artist Invader has made mosaics of Space Invaders characters, + icons from other 1970s video games, in cities all over the world. He began in his hometown of Paris, still the most "invaded" city.
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Ravenna, Italy
Ravenna, Italy
Madaba, Jordan
Madaba, Jordan
San Diego, USA
San Diego, USA
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Sicily, Italy
Sicily, Italy
New York City, New York
New York City, New York
Yazd, Iran
Yazd, Iran
Chartres, France
Chartres, France
London, England
London, England
Space Invaders, Paris, Etc...
Space Invaders, Paris, Etc...
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