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10 Movies That Are Equally Loved and Hated by Letterboxd Users (Collider)

"Film-related apps and sites can be fantastic resources when it comes to finding new movies. Letterboxd is particularly good, since it functions something like a personal film-watching journal and a social media app in one. Users can rate and review movies, and if you follow a certain number of users who start talking favorably about a movie, it naturally makes it attention-grabbing. And, similar to a site like IMDb, Letterboxd assigns an average rating to each film that's taken from users' ratings. It's all well and good to keep track of which movies have a high average rating, but it can be even more interesting to find divisive titles. The following movies have a reception from Letterboxd users that suggest they are indeed divisive, with all of them having decent numbers of the lowest rating possible (0.5/5) and the highest (5/5). For anyone who likes taking a chance on a love-it-or-hate-it type of movie, the titles below might well be worth exploring." -
103 users · 323 views
from · made by SteveAzo
avg. score: 2 of 10 (23%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Twisted Pair (2018)
Twisted Pair (2018)
The Velocipastor (2018)
The Velocipastor (2018)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)
Showgirls (1995)
Showgirls (1995)
Begotten (1991)
Begotten (1991)
The Cat in the Hat (2003)
The Cat in the Hat (2003)
Freddy Got Fingered (2001)
Freddy Got Fingered (2001)
Ratatoing (2007)
Ratatoing (2007)
Fateful Findings (2013)
Fateful Findings (2013)
The Room (2003)
The Room (2003)
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