Directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, '65' is a sci-fi thriller that blends a pre-historic setting with futuristic elements. Starring Adam Driver and Ariana Greenblatt, this 2023 movie revolves around an outer space Commander Pilot, Mills. When a spaceship on an exploratory mission crashes unexpectedly on an unknown planet and kills dozens of people, it leaves behind only two survivors: Mills and a young girl named Koa. As Mills tries to send the word out to his command station on Earth, he soon realizes that he and Koa are not alone on this unknown planet.
They also learn that perhaps it isn't as much of an unknown planet as he had initially thought. Thrown back in time, Mills and Koa now have to survive against vicious dinosaurs and figure out a way back home. If you loved the action-filled, sci-fi '65' and are looking for similar movies with interesting premises and appealing characters, here are some recommendations for you!