"The science Fiction film is a tricky thing to do right. You need a really clever idea and a decent budget. If you don't have a decent budget, you need a really, really clever idea. B Movies tend to be short on both cleverness and budget. But there is the occasional magic when it all comes together and a special combination of good writing, talent, luck, and/or good timing, lead to great gems that standout. Either because they are fun, have a good story, or great atmosphere that stays with you.
Here are ten of those gems, plus a special, spicy bonus! They work perhaps because of the limitations of the B film, not in spite of them. To excel with a small budget means you have to make up for it elsewhere. Money isn't everything, as any trip to the theater for a summer blockbuster over the last decade or so will prove. One brilliant story would tower over the hundreds of millions of dollars of mind-numbing digital effects blurring together from one film to the next."