Human emotions comprise a maze which even the most brilliant minds have been unable to completely map. Emotions can be defined and listed, but their triggers and origins remain eternally unclear. Even the most stoic among us are occasionally confronted with our human susceptibility to unpredictable feelings that arise at inopportune times.
Films have a unique way of prompting emotions in their audiences, who are temporarily under the captive power of the medium. Within the controlled environment of a great movie, feelings may exist side by side or in succession which would ordinarily not keep frequent company. Joy and sorrow are two such examples, and when comedy and tragedy exist within the same film the effect can be complex.
Perhaps we're most ready to laugh when we feel the saddest, or perhaps we're most vulnerable to sorrow when life seems sunny; but the proper balance of comedy and tragedy provides a powerful experience. Here are 10 films that walk the tightrope perfectly.