"Whether it be classified as black comedy, gallows humor, or morbid humor, dark comedy is a special film genre. It blends two worlds, dark and comedic, into a seemingly weird but perfect match. Dark comedy is a genre due for longevity thanks to the harmonious relationship between misery and humor. Death, human depravity, violence, social injustices, sexuality, and more are all topics that black comedy boldly and unapologetically tackles. While some may see morbid humor as glorifying bad taste, dark comedy addresses grisly subjects with meaning and important commentary.
With more critical successes falling under the category of gallows humor, it is fun to watch and examine the films within the dark comedy genre that may have been overlooked by the masses. Dark comedy has established an intensely relevant presence in the world of cinema and because of this, here are the "great dark comedies you've probably never seen."