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10 Great Cult Horror Movies You've Probably Never Seen

"There are many ways to celebrate Halloween. For some, it's an excuse to dress up; for others, an opportunity to spend the evening in the drunk tank. For others still, it's an excuse to go on a shameless horror movie bender. That, at least, is my plan.
Now, as it is in all things, it's easy to take the road oft-travelled. Sure, you could watch Halloween and The Exorcist again — but you've done that already. Why put yourself on autopilot? Maybe it's time to do something different. Maybe this year it's time to change things up by digging through the vault and grabbing a hold of some of the lesser-known, forgotten and misunderstood gems from the annals of exploitation."
124 users · 540 views
from · made by AnnaBoots
avg. score: 2 of 10 (20%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Eaten Alive (1976)
Eaten Alive (1976)
Creepozoids (1987)
Creepozoids (1987)
The Undead (1957)
The Undead (1957)
Nightmare Beach (1989)
Nightmare Beach (1989)
Slugs (1988)
Slugs (1988)
Hell Night (1981)
Hell Night (1981)
The House on the Edge of the Park
The House on the Edge of the Park
Catacombs (1988)
Catacombs (1988)
Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971)
Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971)
Nail Gun Massacre (1985)
Nail Gun Massacre (1985)
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