This documentary follows Opportunity, the Mars Exploration Rover, affectionately dubbed Oppy by her creators and scientists at NASA. Oppy was initially expected to live for only 90 days, but she ultimately explored Mars for nearly 15 years.
Space exploration has been something that has fascinated audiences for many years. Mars has always been the most interesting planet to explore because they have found water and other resources that humans can live off of.
Director and co-writer Ryan White beautifully uses real-life footage and archive footage to assemble Oppy's story in this documentary. The cinematography is also stunning, and it feels like you're transported to Mars with the rover. In a way, there's this attachment to Oppy because you're seeing everything through that lens.
The films on this list all appreciate space exploration and show it in different ways. The characters experience feelings of isolation, dread, and also a little bit of restored hope in humanity.