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10 Cringe-Worthy Comedies That Aged Poorly (

"Humor doesn't always have to be clever to get a laugh from audiences. Awkward situations and grotesque banter can provide enough shock value to tickle anyone's funny bone. But unfortunately, some comedy movies that rely on this formula don't stand the test of time. Jokes that depend on cringe humor usually end up being more uncomfortable than humorous upon a revisit. In the worst-case scenarios, humor that was once considered funny can now be seen as in poor taste due to changing societal norms. While these movies may have originally thrived on making their audiences squirm, some are just a little too cringe-worthy to be fully enjoyable." -
188 users · 428 views
from · made by SteveAzo
avg. score: 4 of 10 (45%)
required scores: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 

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