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10 Best Slices of Apocalyptic Horror (That Don't Involve Zombies)

"Now is the perfect time to be writing about apocalyptic horror movies because at this point we're all just counting down the days, right? The apocalypse is coming and we all know it. Or maybe it's already here? The entire west coast of the United States was or is burning. That coupled with 1995's Cruel Jaws getting a legitimate Blu-ray release is a surefire sign that the end is near. Fortunately, we can turn to movies to help us get through this tricky situation. The following ten titles will serve as an action plan of sorts to help us conquer the impending doomsday."
167 users · 320 views
avg. score: 3 of 10 (32%)
required scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

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Sunshine (2007)
Sunshine (2007)
Phase IV (1974)
Phase IV (1974)
Miracle Mile (1989)
Miracle Mile (1989)
In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Pulse (2001)
Pulse (2001)
Take Shelter (2011)
Take Shelter (2011)
Children of Men (2006)
Children of Men (2006)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (1982)
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